Sunny Side Up Rescue

“Animals do speak, but only to those that know how to listen.”

Orhan Pamuk

Sunny Side Up | Pet Rescue Florida is located in Port St. Lucie. We’re 100% volunteer operated and funded solely through donations. All animals in need are welcome here, although it’s primarily dogs and horses currently. While continuing our broad scope of animals that are rescued, we have begun to take in more at risk equines. We primarily focus on the elderly, starved, and abused horses within the slaughter pipeline, those with less of a chance of being saved due to their condition.

We offer sanctuary for life to animals that are not adoptable for whatever reason, as well as rehabilitating and adopting out ones that just require a second chance.

Our belief is it takes a community to help these animals have their best chance at living in a healthy, loving forever home. Sunny Side Up Rescue (SSUR) | Pet Rescue Florida works hand in hand with other rescues in the area as well as others across the country to save as many lives as possible.

Rescue is a Lifestyle.

It is not a hobby. It is not a passing fad.

You live it … breathe it … 24/7. Your purpose for living is to change the life of a shelter pet …one at a time.


Give a needy pet a forever, loving home.

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Help them acclimate to home life without the financial burden.

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Help us help them.

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Have extra building supplies laying around?

Here at Sunny Side Up Rescue | Pet Rescue Florida we are HUGE on reduce, reuse, recycle. We are always using used and leftover

wood, fencing, chain link, bricks, and paint 


build, repair, and update the structures and fencing

here at the farm. So, if you’re ready to recycle your leftover or used stuff, drop us a line, and we will GLADLY arrange a pickup time convenient for you.

Saved from the Holding Pens!

Dolly’s (aka 007) short story is that she was sold to a “kill buyer” to be sent to slaughter. She is a strong working horse that was in good shape, only 14 years old, and was carrying a baby.  She was most likely used to work ranches. The owners felt they didn’t need her anymore and sought to make a quick easy buck. Dolly’s rescue costs, just to get her here safe, was about $2600. She was in good condition so no major vet issues as of now. Not all are that lucky. Many will get sick in the pens or are severely emaciated.

Please join us to help raise awareness about this horrible tragedy that continues everyday. With help we can save many of these innocent lives from absolute death.

Read about 007’s story and find out how you can help others like her.

Check Out Our Available Equines

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Good morning! Heres your Friday funny 😃

Yall are gonna be hearing about Rapid Roof And Home Repairs  a lot. There is no way we can ever thank them enough for what they did for us. So, we want to get their name out there and get them more business! Please help us do that.

They went above and beyond to make our roof happen! Remember, we were only going to do the flat roof, even though our house roof was 20 years old it was not in the budget. We just wanted to stop the waterfall in the house when it rained.

 We never thought in 100 years that Alicia & Nick, the owners of Rapid Roof And Home Repairs were planning to work such magic!! They put a huge amount of effort into getting their suppliers on board to donate the materials for BOTH ROOFS!!!!!! Without their effort there is no way the house roof would have gotten done, absolutely no way.

They have enormous hearts and are truly great people, their crew was professional, courteous and efficient. People like that are hard to find nowadays. So, SHARE FAR AND WIDE and PUT THEIR # IN YOUR ROLODEX😉 OR FOR THE YOUNGER CROWD...YOUR PHONE 😁Image attachmentImage attachment

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Awesome! So happy for you guys. There are truly good people out there, hard to find these days.

So glad a local business stepped up to do a good deed! Congrats on your new roofs!

Great people. ❤️❤️❤️

Looks amazing


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🦷 Today was a dental day at the rescue with Rosie of Equine Smiles Dentistry LLC 🦷

As always, we get so into it we forget to take pics until the last one lol. Fancy, Eeyore,  Red and Gypsy got taken care of today and all had good reports. Rosie found a prize in Gypsys mouth... an Itty bitty wolf tooth😀

Rosie is the best! Shes so good to us, is super patient with the horses and they really like her! Bonus- she brought us goodies for the pups and a T shirt for me AND she clipped nails on some of the squirmy dogs 😊Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

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Its always a pleasure coming to gab with you and helping the horses/dogs ❤️ 🐴🐶

I heard a few “hhhrrreeeees” yesterday and wondered what was going on🥰

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